The Latest Organic And Non-GMO Soybean Prices Plus Comprehensive Organic Soybean Market Data

Current and historical information about organic soybean prices is key to making successful commodity trades. This data represents the foundation of what today’s organic soybean farmers, manufacturers, investors, and consultants need in order to make the best market-related decisions.

To report the most current prices and deliver optimal data and tools, Mercaris conducts a proprietary electronic survey of first purchasers, offering the most up-to-date, dynamic cash pricing. The research firm also uses historical data for more in-depth reporting about organic and non-GMO soybean prices in the US and Canada.

Mercaris’ innovative data collection tool enables you to customize information, too. For example, grain handling facilities maps allow buyers and sellers to perform specific searches to find manufacturers, mills, or other potential trading partners, along with a view of domestic organic grain infrastructure. Additionally, robust price comparison reports help to illuminate trends, along with customs analyses revealing insight into domestic and international premium grain markets.

Mercaris arms you with tools to efficiently respond to shifting market dynamics, including sudden organic soybean price changes. In addition, Mercaris users can integrate comprehensive market reports with an industry-first online auction platform, allowing them to market or procure grain in new ways.

Reports About Organic Market Drivers

Weather, currency strength, import activity, acreage levels, and animal feed use can all drive organic soybean markets. Go beyond today’s organic soybean market price and gain insight into these price drivers with the Mercaris Market Guide and other reports.

These reports include:

  • Current and future organic production estimates by state
  • Organic soybean import monthly price and volume trends and insights into key importers by destination, volume, and country of origin
  • Sector consumption reports
  • Supply-demand balance price analytics with organic vs conventional correlations, seasonality and storage costs
  • Ongoing updates for organic vs non-GMO soybean market prices

Mercaris and USDA Data

Mercaris offers weekly reporting compared to the USDA’s bi-weekly reports. Mercaris’ information arrives from its own proprietary surveys of first-purchasers of organic and non-GMO soybeans across the US and Canada. The research firm also uses data from outside sources including U.S. customs, USDA and CME. Mercaris also compares pricing between its own data and the USDA’s.

Our detailed approach to data collection allows purchasers and other traders to realize premium trading prices, as seen in the example report below.

Additionally, the Mercaris Data Service displays food and feed prices for spot and forward transactions across numerous regions. Mercaris’ monthly organic soybean import reports offer regular updates on U.S. import volumes, imported organic soybean prices, and trade statistics.